I’m So glad you are here!

Hi! I’m Nicole!

This service is inspired by my son. A few hours after his birth, I read his chart out loud to my husband who was snuggled up on the hospital dad couch. It was one of the most magical moments of my life. I saw so much potential for us to help him navigate areas of life that we both struggled with growing up. Children don’t come with a how-to manual, but they do come with a Human Design chart. Wouldn’t you also like to know how you and your child best digest both food and information, how to navigate your emotional worlds, and the unique gifts you came into the world to express?

Knowing my family's charts makes my life better. It increases the amount of compassion, ease, and curiosity in my world. I’d love to do the same for you! 

Since learning about Human Design in 2019, I’ve read over 90 charts and taken a reader certification course. I’ve been reading charts at bachelorette parties and BBQ’s for years, but as society approaches a paradigm shift in 2027 (look it up!!!) I feel inspired to help people step into their authenticity. I want my son to live in a world with more people who understand themselves and what they came here to do.

I’m a 4/1 emotional generator. My chart reminds me that all my best opportunities come through people I already know (hi!) and that it is important to preserve my natural light-heartedness. Reading charts is genuinely fun for me and I think that joyful, uplifting energy helps recipients receive the information. If you’re a friend of a friend, it might also be helpful to know that I’m a history teacher by trade; simplifying complexity is my jam.

I’d love to show you how awesome you (and your people) really are!

Human Design is both practical and profound; its science and spirituality.

what people say after hearing their human design reading